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Tejidos innovadores impermeables y transpirables para equipamiento para actividades al aire libre

2024-05-28 15:33:00
Tejidos innovadores impermeables y transpirables para equipamiento para actividades al aire libre

We all know that when we step outside, due to the crazy weather in some countries and the changing climates overall we want to be dry and warm. Fortunately for us, there are Waterproof and breathable fabric by Sunfeng specifically designed to help keep us safe and warm in every outdoor adventure.

Las 5 mejores telas para ropa de exterior

Sunfeng fabrics: You stay dry in this fantastic fabric that breathes great for any outdoor activity. 
Second Supplier: The moisture seeping into your outdoor wear, that gross feeling of being wet and weighed down well you don't have to worry about that with this lightweight membrane. 
Third Supplier: For high-output outdoor activities, like hiking or climbing for example, this Breathable waterproof fabric is one of the toughest out there and can give you that balance between still feeling a little comfortable without being too durable. 
Fourth Supplier; This material makes overheating no longer a worry, thanks to the fact that it is breathable enough to let all air move freely and keep you cool even in tougher weather conditions 
Fifth Supplier: A multi-layer fabric which means great waterproofing and Breathability while maybe perhaps even more importantly keep you outside getting what ever done, that needs to be gotten done. 

Las mejores telas para senderismo y acampada de un vistazo

Merino Wool: Keep it natural in moisture wicking, merino wool to stay warm and dry whether you are trekking across the trail or chilling at base camp. 
Nylon: A light, Breathable waterproof material that is durable and quick drying so you can take on any outdoor challenge. 
Polar: Perfecto para escalar una montaña o si simplemente estás acampando al aire libre, este tejido sintético cálido asegurará que permanezcas agradable y seco durante el camino. 
Bambú: Manténgase fresco y cómodo desde la mañana hasta la noche con este tejido fresco al tacto que absorbe la humedad y se adapta como una segunda piel. 
Sunfeng fabrics: This sustainable fabric is perfect for hiking and camping because it keeps you cool, absorbs moisture, and feels good to your skin. Made from the wood pulp of raw. 

Nuevos materiales impermeables y transpirables

Membranas nanoporosas: una membrana súper delgada y liviana que mantiene el agua afuera pero permite que la humedad escape mientras sudas para mantenerte seco. 
Membranas electrohiladas: ligeras y delgadas: estas membranas están fabricadas mediante electrohilado para proporcionar una alta impermeabilidad y transpirabilidad para su equipo al aire libre. 
Aislamiento de aerogel: Prepárese para deshacerse de capas con este tejido revolucionario que ofrece calidez suprema sin el factor sudor, ideal para los días fríos.